Craibstone Golf

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Monday Morning Rant.

Monday 18th June 2012

It seems that some players  are still not filling in scorecards correctly and also  have now the problem of cards not being returned or put in the scorecard box after play, it is difficult enough trying to keep up with scores and Hdcps  without having to look for players cards this results in delay in publishing scores and also sending to Howdidido, any player whos card is not put in the box or returned to the  office will be returned as NR  irrespective of score in otherwords DQ. There has been problems again with our Hdcp System and computer but it only means that cards are put in the box to be entered when the problem is resolved.

Players Resposibilities:

Check and fill in scores and return cards correctly.

Make sure their Hdcp is correct on the day and entered on score card  .

Check and sign cards before putting in the box.

Return cards to card  box or office if Clubhouse closed.

Thank you for your help in the above.

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